2015 Connecticut Solar Market Update

Stay informed about the latest updates in Connecticut’s solar market and opportunities for businesses.

In early 2015, CL&P and United Illuminating (UI) will formally issue requests to bid for the 2015 Connecticut Zero-Emission Renewable Energy Credit (ZREC) solar incentive program. For Connecticut businesses with large under-utilized roof or land areas, the ZREC program provides a lucrative way for companies to ‘go green’.By way of background, a ZREC represents the renewable attributes of one Megawatt-hour (MWh) of solar generated electricity and can be more commonly referred to as ‘carbon credits’. Connecticut requires its investor-owned utilities to buy a certain number of ZRECs annually in order to meet the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard requirements. The purchase of these ZRECs in the form of a 15 year contract provides secure and highly visible and predictable revenue to businesses and property owners with solar energy systems.Whether your business is interested in owning a solar PV system, leasing one, or simply purchasing low-cost solar energy with no capital outlay, PowerFlex will clearly demonstrate how Solar will boost your bottom line.