
The latest news from the PowerFlex about significant events, updates, and happenings.

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Invite PowerFlex to Join the Dialogue

Our seasoned executive team can speak to many cleantech topics, from cutting-edge software to quickly-changing policy legislation. Their deep industry experience makes them leaders in their perspective fields. Check out the speakers below for their bios, speaking topics, headshots, and more.


Raphael Declercq

Raphael Declercq

Chief Executive Officer

Carl Moczydlowsky

Carl Moczydlowsky

Chief Technical Officer

Raghav Murali

Raghav Murali

Director of Policy & Government Affairs

Lucie Dupas

Lucie Dupas

Chief Delivery Officer

Thomas de Fresart

Thomas de Fresart

Vice President of Strategic Growth

PowerFlex’s Brand Kit

Download the official company description, logo files, and more.